Know The Facts

Poster by Adam Azzaro

Poster by Adam Azzaro


By Adam Azzaro

How many people know that consuming four alcoholic beverages in two hours is considered binge drinking for females and five in the same time period is considered binge drinking for males. The point of bringing this up is because while this may be one fact people do know, how many people know that this amount of alcohol will lead to a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08. Everyone should know the facts because binge drinking can affect us in more ways than what people think.

When college students drink, aged 21 years and younger, around 90 percent of the alcohol that is consumed is from binge drinking. When people think binge drinking, most think of college-aged kids, and by looking at this statistic they would be right. It is more common for people aged 18-36 to binge but because you get older doesn’t mean you won’t binge drink. Actually, people aged 65 or older have reported that they binge drink more often, an average of five or six times a month. And 70 percent of reported binge drinking involves adults who are 26 years or older. So for those who think it is just college students binge drinking, think again. Seeing these high percentages across all ages, would it surprise you if I told you that more than half of the alcohol consumption in the U.S. is because of binge drinking?

Alcohol consumption statistics are not the only facts; there are health facts too. A recent study found that during the college years heavy drinking can lead to high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. Having high levels of blood pressure and cholesterol can lead to heart problems in later years. Not to mention, driving under the influence can lead to serious or fatal injuries due to car accidents. In 2010, over 10,000 people died in car accidents attributed to driving under the influence of alcohol. When you break it down to percentages, alcohol-related car accidents account for 31 percent of all traffic-related deaths in the United States.

When we consume alcohol, we need to know the facts. Binge drinking is not only when you consume over 20 alcoholic beverages, it is as little as four or five drinks in two hours. Think back to the last time you drank. Can you recall how many drinks you had in a two-hour time span? About half of college students binge drink. Some might know they binge but others might have no clue. There is nothing wrong with drinking, just do it in moderation. There is a reason why alcohol companies put “please drink responsibly” in their commercials. Know the facts, stay informed, and try to spread the word because binge drinking is happening more frequently than you think.

CDC – Fact Sheets-Binge Drinking – Alcohol. (2012, November 7). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved September 27, 2013, from

CDC – Impaired Driving Facts – Motor Vehicle Safety – Injury Center. (n.d.). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved October 3, 2013, from

Paddock, C. (2013, April 24). Binge Drinking In College Years May Raise Risk For Heart Disease. Medical News Today: Health News. Retrieved September 27, 2013, from

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